Monday, January 8, 2018

Return to analysis

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year! Mine was productive. I knew I wouldn't be able to come up with a full comprehensive draft of my analysis process, but I did piece together a little over half. My plan is to continue working on it concurrently with this final grouping of analysis. So far it is completely worth the effort, I'm learning a lot and sorting a lot out.

The next 82 works I take a look at will be more than a challenge. Working through the Enlightenment to Modern era, visual expression from these three centuries is exceedingly complicated. I'm going to miss vital points, confuse figures and places and simply be completely wrong about a lot of my statements. It's easy for me to say this now, but I'm going to accept this inevitability partially to gain more confidence in making assertive statements that actually "take a stand" instead of being vague enough to say things that can't really be proven one way or another. I know at the other end of this, I will have learned a ton, and only strengthened the formal and conceptual understanding of my own work so much more.

I also will take Sunday off from formal analysis to simply recharge a little. This will stretch out the project by two weeks, so it should wrap up the week of April ninth. Based on my "formalism recall ability", each essay takes three to four hours to build and reshape into something concise enough to post online. I'm applying a 400 word limit to each one, which will force me to restrict myself to vital statements.

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