Saturday, April 1, 2017

Ancient Near East notes and characteristics

Lamassu (883 to 859 BC, Assyrian, singular lamassus) Rigidly structured half man half beast built on a scale larger than that of man, meant to be an imposing pressence, standing guard. Built to be viewed from head on or profile. Head on view communicates vigilance, profile striding motion due to treatment of five legs (from the side only four of the five would be seen). Strictly political in purpose. 
Establishment of written language C. 3100 BC depending on region. 
Hammurabi 1792 to 1750 BC, Babylonian ruler. 
Hittites 1600 to 1200 BC, Ionia. 
Neo-Babylonia 612 to 539 BC. 
Persia 559 to 331 BC. 
Sumeria Responsible for/first to develop written language (cunieform), behavior standard/law code, create a story (Epic of Gilgamesh), arithmatic (to aid in commerce). 
Ziggurats Temples specific to Sumer, thought to bridge the gap between heaven and Earth, they tended to be built one on top of the previous, which gives them their distinct shape. 
Phonogram Language break through, a sound representation of an iconograph/pictograph. 
Nanna Ziggurat (2100 to 2050 BC, Ur (Iraq)) Still intact, dedicated to the moon god Nanna. This one was not raised on top of previous versions. Ur was the birthplace of Abraham. 
Register Horizontal tiers of figures painted or incised, usually arranged one register on top of another. 
Stele A large stone or clay slab used to paint or incise text/pictographs/images/etc. Smaller than menhirs. 
Nebuchadnezzar 602 to 562 BC. 
Persian ceremonial complex (518 to 460 BC, Persepolis) Reliefs of rigid soldiers, animal profiles, elements with near-forced balance, unnatural poses, hierarchic, views are either straight on or profile, militant in presentation, tone is one of action, conflict.
Characteristics Simple motifs, patterns (eg beard spirals), cuneiform pictographs, hierarchic scale, rigid, glory to the king/ruler, megaliths, steles, murals of foliage, warriors, gods, palaces, temples, ziggurats. Predatory animals at funerary complexes would protect the dead. Women giving birth to animals (leopards, bulls, rams, etc, unknown purpose). Division between classes (royalty, priesthood, peasants), fertility common subject matter.
Symbology Horned headdress (worn by the gods) power sometimes symbolized by flames, rope circle, measuring rod (the ruler measures/weighs justice, judgement), lion, weaponry. Decapitated head (victory) lions and bulls (ferocity of soldiers) increasing detail, jewels, rings (wealth, power). 

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